Anger and Conflict

2011680803Anger makes conflicts escalate.

“I hate it when he raises his voice. Does he even care?”

“Her screaming and shrieking is just too much for me! I hope the children don’t hear us! Does she even care?”

“I wish we could stop fighting. I fear what might happen next – our fighting might even come to blows.”

“These and a 100 other thoughts plague me. It’s so hard for me to concentrate. What does God say about all of this? I am so brokenhearted.”

Everyone loses when anger and conflict enter the picture.

When considering anger and conflict, the most frequent reactions are danger and fear. Following closely behind is “fight or flight.”

Relationships are either damaged or ended – destroying families. But why?

We need a new understanding of the actual source of this anger. Too often, we relate the source of anger to be caused by “one’s family of origin.” For instance, you might say, “I am this way because mom or dad, brother or sister, or whoever treated me poorly.”

These are common reasons, but they are insufficient. To understand anger, we must search for a deeper explanation. In our sessions, we will talk about that and how it impacts every one of us.

1147374863But talking about this will not be enough.

There must be a change of mind about anger and conflict and its source.

In our work together, you will learn about the true reason for our anger that leads to the conflict that destroys others and ourselves. You will likely be surprised and refreshed about this common dilemma and some profile solutions to deal with anger.

There is great hope! God’s word says in Psalm 34:8, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 147:3 says: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

There is great hope in these promises. If you suffer from anger and conflict, let’s work together to help you overcome the brokenness caused by anger and conflict that keeps you and your family from living a peaceful life.